Valentines Day 2025 - Red Roses, Flowers and Foliage Orders


Don't forget to pre-order all your requirements for the week 10th-14th February

We have put together this page to guide you through the ordering process for Valentines Day.

The most important thing to do next is to order your requirements and have it to us by 10 pm Thursday 9th January when the price list will become inoperable. We must have your requirements so that we can order from the growers and importers.

You can head here to place your order (as long as you are logged in)
Electronic Order Form

Please contact us if you have any concerns over anything.

Valentines Day pricing applies from 10th to 14th February.

M/P on the order form means we will charge you a FAIR market price once supply and pricing is finalised. We will be targeting best pricing.

As always there remains uncertainty around availability and pricing up until we have the product in our hands.

Standing Orders will be suspended - be sure to include all your requirements in your Valentines order

If you have a standing order within the period of 7th to 14th February your standing order will be suspended.

Please ensure all of your requirements are included in your Valentines order.

Important Dates and Auctions ahead of and around Valentines

definitely check this out - lots of changes to the standard schedule

Please see this page for all of the auction and open dates Auction days and Holidays

Note, we can only use the latest information published by UFG regarding their auction schedule - we have seen some last minute changes in the past

Delivery Options

When ordering please select the day you want to RECEIVE the product

  • 10th February- Same Day Customer Only
  • 11th February
  • 12th February
  • 13th February
  • 14th February - Don't recommend via Courier

If you want deliveries on more than 1 day you will need to complete an order for each date

If you have other requirements please let us know as usual in the notes field before submitting your order - we can look at options for you

Valentines 2025 - Important Information

We continue to learn and adapt to the everchanging market. The flower offering for Valentines is a little different too. Please carefully read the information below so you are best informed.

These continue to be very difficult to pre-order in our usual high quantities. Please advise any specific colour requirements and we will do our best to secure. Anything we can't confirm in advance we will have to try and buy from auction where the vast majority of items are sold in assorted buckets.

We have modest quantities of these flowers confirmed. Any orders above these levels will need to be purchased from auction (if available) hence them being flagged as market price. While we would like to be more optimistic, history tells us Gypsophila could end up around $40 so be prepared.

We've had a lot of success recently with Colombian Roses for major events. However, there are always risks in the supply chain. While we are hopeful of a repeat we are relying on a lot of logistics.

We continue to have trouble sourcing carnations, particularly in any form other than mixed buckets. This makes it very hard for us to offer this product as set colours such as red and white as in each bucket there is usually only one white bunch. We have NOT put Standard Carnations on our buy list, if you would like to order some, please get in touch and order in ASSORTED.

Recently, we are also having trouble with the quality of Spray Carnations and have accordingly also removed from the price list.

We are offering these economical roses again this year but logistical risks remain high. We aren't regularly importing from India at the moment so success is hard to gauge, however have been successful previously. Please note that these will only be available for dispatch on later days of the week.


You can head here to place your order (as long as you are logged in)
Electronic Order Form

The Small Print - Terms and Conditions

Some Important facts to remember

  • We are dealing with a natural product and we can only do our best to fulfill your requirements.
  • Indian (Imported) Roses are not graded or redressed
  • No cancellations or reductions
  • Please choose your delivery date CAREFULLY - no changes will be made
  • Requests for credit must be received within 24 hours of receipt with photos
  • All sales made in line with our terms and conditions


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Contact Us

Fresh Cut Flower Wholesalers Ltd
500 Mt Wellington Highway,
Mt Wellington,
Tel: 09 918 5330